Google announces new Google Play Store policies.

July 28, 2022

Google announces new Google Play Store policies and rules which deal with intrusive ads, copycat apps, misinformation and more.

Google Play logo

Google wants and is aiming to improve user security and app experiences through policies.

Therefore, Google announced new Play Store policies for developers on Wednesday that aim to address issues with intrusive ads, alarms, VPNs and impersonation of brands and other apps. The company said these policies will go into effect during different timeframes so developers have ample time to make changes to their apps.

One of the changes that will impact your everyday phone usage the most is for ads. Google says its updated guidelines, which will go into effect on September 30th, help ensure “high quality experiences for users when they are using Google Play apps.”

The new policy tells developers that apps can’t pop up a full-screen ad that won’t let you close it after 15 seconds. There are some exceptions — if you voluntarily choose to watch an ad to get some sort of reward points, or if they pop up during a break in the action, those rules won’t necessarily apply.

example of a rule-breaking ad

An example of a rule-breaking ad. Source : Google

Hence, Google is prohibiting full-screen interstitial ads that appear before the app’s loading screen, when you start a level or during the gameplay, too.

Google is also making changes to how apps can implement and use Android’s built-in VPN tools. Apps won’t be allowed to implement their own VPNs to collect user data unless they get explicit permission from the user, nor will they be able to use VPNs to help users bypass or change ads from other apps.

Also, to get rid of copycat apps, Google is cracking down on unauthorized apps that imply an association with governments, companies and businesses. For instance, apps can’t use national emblems and government organizations to make people think it’s an official app. Similarly, developers can’t use icons to show they’re officially affiliated with a company, artist or TV show when they’re not authorized to do so. This will get applied on August 31.

Source : Google

Health misinformation : The company is banning apps that argue against the widely accepted medical consensus or gives out health advice that can harm users. It cited examples of apps advocating unapproved treatments, injurious practices like conversion therapy and vaccine misinformation that could be removed from the Play Store.

The company also announced policy changes for ads targeting children and stalkerware to increase safety for apps used by kids, effective Nov. 1, 2022. Google says if an app only targeting kids serves ads, then it must only use ads SDKs that have self-certified compliance with Google Play policies.

The new policy changes come days after Google enforced its policy of declaring safety labels for apps on July 20. The company will hope that these new policies will weed out games and apps with intrusive ads, misinformation and privacy-violating permissions.

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